Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's that time of year: the 4th Annual 31 Days Blog Series is coming up!

31 days, bel monili, new years, 2015, resolutions, joy, organization, better life, joy ideas, happy ideas, pittsburgh blog
It's finally here: we are ringing in the New Year with much anticipation, excitement, and our annual 31 Days blog series!

Many of you may remember last year's series where I happily asked questions about weddings since I had recently been engaged. The information you shared with me was invaluable, 
and now a year later I am exactly 101 days away from my wedding day on April 11, 2015. 
The joy I am experiencing in my new life is inexplicable.

So joyful am I that I decided to make the theme of this year's 31 days series how to take that joy and spread it to your lives and the lives of others. 
Beginning tomorrow, I will be launching the series "31 Days, 31 Ways to Bring Joy"
You will find tips on organization (to increase your joy at home), inspirational quotes (to increase your joyful spirit), some vacation ideas (to increase your joy in the world) and anything else that I think may bring you some happiness and relaxation.

Thank you all for joining me yet again on this wonderful adventure, and I wish you all the happiest and healthiest of times as your ring in the new year with hope, love, and excitement.