Wednesday, January 7, 2015

31 Days, 31 Ways to Bring Joy: Day 7: Purge

I have to admit, the word itself sounds kind of off-putting in a weird way...but to me it evokes thoughts of cleaning, clearing, and organizing. 

In fact, here's what Merriam Webster has to say about it:
Yesterday's way to bring joy was "Let Go", and in many ways this is synonymous.

If we are talking about a physical purge (i.e., of things), think of this:
 How does this translate to bringing joy?
Think of this: how thrilled would you be if you could shop, 
come home with new goodies, and not spend ANY money. 
Pretty happy, right?
How about getting a group together to do a "purge merge"? 

Everyone takes the opportunity to "clean out" and gather up things they don't use or need anymore. I would suggest an overall category: clothing, craft items, kitchen items, etc. 

Then, you all bring your junk, er, wonderful stuff to one central location. 
Everyone then takes turns "shopping" from the collective pile! 
Anything left over can be donated to your local thrift shop, church group, or other charity. 
You get new goodies.
Your pals get new goodies.
You get rid of clutter.
Your pals get rid of clutter.
Some lucky local organization get s a LOT of new goodies.

That's a lot of joy to spread from a purge!

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